Table of Contents
Installing Eggdrop
Using Eggdrop
- Eggdrop Features
- Eggdrop Core Settings
- The Party Line
- Eggdrop Autoscripts
- Users and Flags
- Bans, Invites, and Exempts
- Botnet Sharing and Linking
- IPv6 support
- TLS support
- IRCv3 support
- Account tracking in Eggdrop
- Encryption/Hashing
- Using the Python Module
- Twitch
- Advanced Tips
- Textfile Substitutions
- Eggdrop Tcl Commands
- Eggdrop Twitch Tcl Commands
- Patching Eggdrop
- Setting Up Eggdrop
- Common First Steps
- Enabling TLS Security on Eggdrop
- Sharing Userfiles
- Writing an Eggdrop Script
- Writing a Basic Eggdrop Module
Eggdrop Modules
- Eggdrop Module Information
- Modules included with Eggdrop
- How to Write an Eggdrop Module
- Eggdrop Bind Internals
About Eggdrop
Last revised: November 27, 2003
Share Module¶
This module provides userfile sharing support between two directly linked bots.
This module requires: transfer, channels
Put this line into your Eggdrop configuration file to load the share module:
loadmodule share
There are also some variables you can set in your config file:
- set allow-resync 0
When two bots get disconnected, this setting allows them to create a resync buffer which saves all changes done to the userfile during the disconnect. When they reconnect, they will not have to transfer the complete user file, but, instead, just send the resync buffer.
- set resync-time 900
This setting specifies how long to hold another bots resync data before flushing it. This is a setting for allow-resync.
- set private-global 0
When sharing user lists, DON’T ACCEPT global flag changes from other bots? NOTE: The bot will still send changes made on the bot, it just won’t accept any global flag changes from other bots. This overrides the private-globals setting (below).
- set private-globals “mnot”
When sharing user lists, if private-global isn’t set, which global flag changes from other bots should be ignored?
- set private-user 0
When sharing user lists, don’t accept ANY userfile changes from other bots? Paranoid people should use this feature on their hub bot. This will force all userlist changes to be made via the hub.
- set override-bots 0
This setting makes the bot discard its own bot records in favor of the ones sent by the hub. NOTE: No passwords or botflags are shared, only ports and address are added to sharing procedure. This only works with hubs that are v1.5.1 or higher.
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